
I am happy for your visit looking forward to your comments. All you Holy men and women, pray for us!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Picture thoughts!

Beebo is 4!
Happy 8th birthday E!First haircut for Little Buddy!Happy 9th birthday, Froggy!2 year old B!
First Holy Communion Day.  God bless Little E!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Precious Babies

At a White House dinner party some years ago, 2 distinguished women were carrying on a conversation.  Everyone was listening to learn what they were talking about.  During the conversation, one woman asked the other a very simple question.  "Why do you think that in the USA, a country with all our liberties and freedoms, we have never elected a female president?"  The other woman, without looking up from her meal, calmly said, "Because you probably aborted her."
The woman who asked the question that day was then-first lady Hillary Clinton.  The woman who answered the question was Mother Teresa.
This story was told by Shawn Carney one of the co-founders of the 40 days for life campaign.  40 days for life has grown from the involvement of 60 churches is Texas in 2004 at the first 40 days for life to having the campaign in 305 cities in all 50 states, with 2,801 women have confirmed they chose life at the last moment as a result of the campaign.  There have been 5 abortion facilities close forever and there have been 350,000 people who have participated in this campaign.  32 abortion clinic workers who have spoke with campaign members and have left their jobs.  According to Carney, there are 3,000 pregnancy centers across the country and 1,500 abortion  facilities.  In the past 15 years 1/2 of all the abortion facilities in America have closed.  Still, 25% of all women between the ages of 18-25 will have an abortion. It is clear how effective this campaign has been and will continue to be in the future.  Keep joining activities for the 40 days for life and keep praying for those babies and their distressed mothers!  God bless

Monday, April 19, 2010

Litany of Humility

I have this posted in my kitchen but don't seem to look at it enough.  Lord help me to focus on Humility this week and going forward in my life.  This is for private devotion only.  I hope sharing it with you will help all of us!

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, hear me
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being esteemed,
From the desire of being loved,
From the desire of being extolled,
From the desire of being honored,
From the desire of being praised,
From the desire of being preferred,
From the desire of being consulted,
From the desire of being approved,
Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated,
From the fear of being despised,
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
From the fear of being calumniated,
From the fear of being forgotten,
From the fear of being ridiculed,
From the fear of being wronged,
From the fear of being suspected,
Deliver me, Jesus.
That others may be loved more than I,
That others may be esteemed more than I,
That in the opinion of the world, others may increase, and I may decrease,
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
That others may be praised and I unnoticed,
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
That others become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.  Amen.