
I am happy for your visit looking forward to your comments. All you Holy men and women, pray for us!

Monday, October 18, 2010

We are having a....

We had our mid-pregnancy ultrasound today.  Thanks be to God that everything looks as it should with no idications of abnormality or complications.  We found out the sex of the baby today and it is a .... call me! lol

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Speaking of Life

I just found a great blog dedicated to life when I was researching certain company's links to Planned Parenthood. It is www.erasetheneed.wordpress.com I was looking at the October 7 entry regarding the Susan G Komen Foundation and their link to Planned Parenthood. Things in life are rarely cut and dry but there are a lot of shades of gray for us to grapple with. This entry helped me to decide what I think is right (from a Catholic perspective). I hope that you will visit this site and talk with others about this important subject.

40 Days for Life

An update on the 40days for life campaign going on until Oct. 31st (you still have time to fast and pray!) as of day 20 238 little babies have been saved! How wonderful keep up the good work out there! Our school is going to Planned Parenthood this Friday to pray, will you pray for an end to abortion too? God bless.

Friday, October 8, 2010

40 days for life

As of the 13th day of the current 40 days for life campaign 138 babies have been saved!  Thanks be to God!  Keep up the prayers and fasting.

Saving money

This week I attended our Mother's group and they had a great subject this meeting-saving money!  Two of the ladies shared some wonderful information with us about coupons, freebies and their strategies for saving in their households.
They shared that you can download coupons right to your Kroger card!  How wonderful!  Printable coupons are available at http://www.coupons.com/ and http://www.print.coupons.com/  Daily deals can be found at http://www.groupon.com/  A good blog out there to catch deals is http://www.gooddealmama.com/  There are so many ways to save out there once you start surfing the web on this topic there are hundreds of free products and coupons to be had.  Happy shopping!

Friday, October 1, 2010

St Therese pray for us!

Happy St. Therese feast day!