
I am happy for your visit looking forward to your comments. All you Holy men and women, pray for us!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Big Move

Well, we finally made it to Indiana and have unpacked almost everything and got our internet squared away.  God has truely blessed us in so many ways (see pictures below).  An unexpected thing came up in the move.  I will preface it by saying I do try to be detached from my things.  I try to excercise this virtue on a regular basis (by getting rid of things, not getting upset when things are broken, avoiding the mall etc...just to name a few).  But I found it to be very stressful to have 367 boxes to unpack (so much for being dilligent about getting rid of stuff!!).  And I found that my stress level has decreased significantly now that I have all of my things out, orderly and around me.  Apparently I have some more work to do in this area of detachment, do you?
More later, homeschooling is calling!


  1. Thanks, Robin, for posting pics. Its so nice to see you settled in and to be able to visualize your new, lovely home! Its just beautiful! If you want to ponder detachment some more, I will mail you your copy of Happy Are You Poor that you loaned me. I actually took it to your going away party only to forget it until I got home and found it in my bag, lol. Fr. Dubay's call to gospel poverty is especially compelling this time of year...You might like my friend Willa's recent notes she's been blogging as she reads it http://quotidianmoments.blogspot.com/2010/02/study-outline-of-happy-are-you-poor.html

  2. Thanks Lindsay I will check out your friend's blog this week. No need to send the book just yet, just when you are done with it or maybe I can pick it up from you when I visit, I would love to see you anyway!
