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Monday, August 24, 2009


Today I was thinking about what my husband and I tell our Pre-Jordan couples (couples who have had a child and want to have them baptized in the Church go to this class) we talk about special traditions that families have that bring them closer to God. Things like celebrating feast days, baking a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve or setting up a nativity scene. One tradition that we do in our home is that my husband blesses each child with a cross on their forehead and the words "Bless you" right before they go to bed. The children love to be blessed by Dad it is a special thing. Earlier today B my 22 month old baby girl brought me a book
"Read it"
she said as she put the book on our nursing baby on my lap. The book was by Neal Lozano called "Will you bless me?". What a wonderful book. At the end of the book there is a note to parents :
"Knowing the profound love God has for you is the secret to revealing His blessing to your child. As you draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:7). As you pray, read Scripture, and spend time in God's presence, you'll be able to more fully share His heart and mind. You are God's chosen vessel, His representative, His instrument of love for the children He has entrusted to your care. The Author of Life has wonderful thoughts about your children that shape their identities- thoughts about who they are, how unique they are, and how valuable they are. He entrusts you with the responsibility of imparting this blessing.
God's blessing is interwoven with your love for your child. You have all you need to impart to your child the sense of identity and destiny that comes from the heart of God."

How beautiful. How encouraging. I respond to that with the thought that God is Love, so He is given to my children through my love and care for them. And in turn, I grow closer to Him through them. What traditions do your family do to grow closer to God?

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