
I am happy for your visit looking forward to your comments. All you Holy men and women, pray for us!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our Anniversary

Yesterday marked 9 years that my wonderful husband and I have been married. We have had a blissful marriage blessed with many children to love. Every day I feel that God has selected my spouse for me and I am so glad I responded "Yes" to Him and him respectively. God is never outdone in His generosity to us and for that I am truly grateful. The other day I was driving around running errands as I seem to do often these days and I passed by some one's yard with many very large sunflowers growing in it. That reminded me of our first date in which Big Daddy (he wanted that to be his pseudo-name, can you believe it?), anyway brought me a sunflower. What an awesome night that was. Then fast forward to our wedding which was awesome and so much fun. Then fast forward again to the day our son was born. I have so many great memories to treasure and I pray that there are many more to come. Thank you for a wonderful life "Big Daddy" and for a wonderful husband, Our Father in heaven.